Camp Staff

At Living Springs, you will be able to share Jesus Christ to campers of all ages, grow in your own walk with the Lord, make and build great friendships with other camp staff and with campers, have a load of fun and so much more! 

There are so many ways to get involved: Worship Team, Camp Nurse, Lifeguard, Cook, Kitchen Staff, Grounds Keeper, Cabin Leader, Support Staff.


Living Springs Bible Camp would cease to exist without the help of the hundreds of people who volunteer throughout the year. Ranging from ladies helping out in the kitchen on the Church Work Days during the week, to the countless number of people who join in the Camp Set-Up and Clean-Up days, LSBC volunteers are the unsung heroes of our camp. Serving in the background, they rarely get the recognition that the summer staff (such as the counselors and support staff) get.

But that doesn't take anything away from their importance. Thank you so much to all who are involved in the behind-the-scenes, volunteering ministry of Living Springs.

In addition to the many summer staff that LSBC is looking for, we are also looking for people who are willing and able to volunteer a few hours out of their day to help out in the behind-the-scenes running of the camp. Please speak with your church Camp Rep if you are wanting more info about volunteering at LSBC for:

  • Work days at camp (spend a few hours helping out in the kitchen)

  • Scheduled camp work days (typically in May, June and September)

  • Single-day maintenance assistance (typically in July, August, helping the Groundskeeper during camp)

  • Mowing lawns and other maintenance

  • Work on the new camp property (clearing trees, landscaping, construction of buildings and activity areas)

Leader in training (LIT)

Time required: A week of Senior high Camp, Sr Children’s, Int Children’s, and Jr Children’s. (3 weeks total)

Necessary Qualities Include:

  • Must be a dedicated Christian who enjoys working in a camp environment.

  • Must at least be going into Grade 11.

How to apply:

LIT’s will be invited to join the program and given an application in person. However if you are interested or would like more information please contact Jeff Enarson - 780-678-9906 or Stephanie Bartel - 780-781-5441.